You Can Control Your Excitement with This Method

Ferhat C.
3 min readOct 29, 2020

Take a deep breath..:)

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Getting excited is a feeling that we experience every day. Some people may be successful at hiding or keeping this feeling under control. However, some other people may want to overcome it as soon as possible.

Even if a certain amount of excitement is widely recognized as an advantage in terms of sensitivity, a high level of it -dither-can increase the likelihood of making mistakes and cause psychological problems. Such a situation prevents a person from controlling his behaviors. The inability to control dither can lead to severe issues, such as social phobia, panic attacks, or stuttering. Besides, various behavioral characteristics might come upon in business life, from avoiding collective or bilateral meetings to not expressing oneself in public due to over excitement.

What happens in our bodies when we get excited?

In moments of excitement and fear, there is an increase in adrenaline in our body. Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that aim to prepare the body for immediate action. After the secretion of the adrenaline, the following happens in our body:

Blood vessels dilate,

Blood flow and blood pressure increase,

Heartbeat accelerates,

The pupils enlarge, the sharpness and speed of vision increase.

Proper breathing

There is a linear relationship between the way we breathe and (how we feel). When we undergo excitement, anxiety, stress, or fear, we experience an increase in our breathing rate. In moments when we have calm and peaceful feelings, this happens at the usual level.

According to a study, approximately 50% of children and 60% of adults breathe through the mouth. Oral breathing can lead to a range of problems, from tooth decay to poor quality sleep. The air passing over the nose is filtered and reaches the lungs. However, since the air is taken by mouth containing substances that harm our body, it may cause serious chronic diseases. Therefore, if you have made a habit of breathing through the mouth, it will be useful to do breathing exercises to correct this.

By doing breathing exercises, we can achieve significant improvements in our life quality. One of these exercises is Pranayama. This exercise aims to correct brain rhythm and eliminate physical, mental, and emotional disorders by regulating breathing. These kinds of correct breathing exercises will enable us to approach life more positively.

Using breathing with the right method will help us control the feeling of excitement, which is an integral part of our daily life. This method contains straightforward rules. Two-to-one rule…

What is this rule?

To breathe in twice the time, we breathe. For example, to give the breath, we take through the nose in 4 seconds and by mouth in 8 seconds. We have to continue breathing in this way until we feel a sense of relief. When you apply this method, you will be able to control your excitement. Your heart rate will return to an average level as your blood flow rate slows down. Adequate and correct breathing will increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and balance our nervous system by relaxing our mind.

How we breathe is directly related to our emotional state. With regular correct breathing exercises, the body’s oxygen will be provided, will have a calm mood, and contribute positively to the functioning of the brain.


Excitement is a state of emotion that we experience at every moment and phase of our lives. We can get excited at a job interview, an exam, or when we just meet with someone. Think about the troubles or funny situations we may experience when we cannot control this emotional state. With breath control or the correct breathing method, the pulse will return to normal, and the mind will work more accurately. Thanks to a calming mind, we will be free from anxiety and will be able to take a more positive approach.

I wish you healthy and peaceful days.

